Central Fire Station

Recently, both boys are into Fireman and all their related stuff. We have been reading books on Fireman, ambulance, paramedics, fire engine and fire station. So last Saturday, we brought them to experience a real fire station and the fireman working in it.

We picked Central Fire Station as I thought we could visit the gallery later but it rained towards the end so we got to keep a rain check on that another time.

enjoying the fire engine ride

At the open house, we were allowed to sit in the fire engine, explore their firefighter suit, see what's inside an ambulance, test how power is the water spray.

testing the powerful water spray

in front of the red rhino

But Matt was a little cranky that morning. He wanted none of the action and instead, was adamant in playing with the water puddle.

cranky matt

Plus the rain that was threatening to come, we left the fire station open house first, leaving the father with Jon.

I guess we would revisit the fire station again. Perhaps to the Clementi Fire Station for convenience's sake.
