Family Photoshoot

We made another attempt for a family photoshoot on 1st March. Unfortunately, the boys had outgrown their family tee so we went for basics - Simple blue polo, twin outfits and Mr. Smiley series outfits. We went with Claire Teo from Tree of Life Photography which based her shoots at her home studio using natural lights. Natural lighting means we have to reach her place in by 10am and her place is the opposite end from ours - Punggol.

But it was worth the hassle and I am quite happy with the end products. We only lasted slightly over an hour as both the boys were getting fussy and we still could get back 190 photos. I thought that there was quite a feat.

Here are some photos that I love ….

It's not easy to get a nice family shot so we will want to attempt again when the boys are slightly older. I guess the next round would be an outdoor shoot with natural lighting again.

Thanks to Claire for the beautiful photos and Michelle (ex-colleague) for doing my makeup.
