I have succumbed ...

Called me a tiger mum or what, I have succumbed to the stress and the kiasu-nism of this rat race society.

I have enrolled Jonathan for his 1st academic course at Heguru. I had actually attended the parent information session sometime in November last year and thought the program was impressive. However after discussion with Darren, we decided to hold back first to give Jon a more enjoyable childhood. This decision did not last too long. I was sent to a depression when I felt that Jon's peers were doing so much better than him. Plus his crazy obsession with washing machine sent me to a frenzy.

So after hearing from a colleague how beneficial Heguru program is for her 3 year old son, I decided there and then I need to make a change. So I marched up to Heguru centre and enrolled Jon on the spot yesterday. Meaning he is going to start his 1st lesson today.

Heguru is about Right Brain Training and being in the neuroscience research, I quite believe the potential of a right human brain is largely left untapped. Also, Heguru boasts their students acquiring skills such as high speed reading and photographic memory which I personally feel that these are valueable life skills to have.

With such strong record, the price tag is sure on the high side. There is no trial lesson and the principal emphasized on long term commitment. For a year of 42 lessons which some months would end up with 3 or 4 lessons, each month course fee is $280 for weekend classes. Registration is another $100 and I have to buy worksheets for him to do as homework. 12 books of maths and 12 books of intellectual development cost another $190. Jonathan is expected to finish one page from each book everyday.

Jon's homework

I do hope somehow we would find enjoyment as we sit through the lessons and worksheets. I also hope by doing the worksheets with him daily and consistently, it would help to plant a desire to learn in Jon. Am I being too hopefully?
