Garden by the Bay

We bought the discounted tickets from Groupon, meaning to make it as a birthday outing for Jonathan. However, the plan was shelved due to

1. unstable pregnancy
2. poor Jonathan was seriously ill during his birthday week.

Hence, the tickets were left untouched until recently I discovered that there's an expiry date to it. So using the Deepavali holiday, we made a trip to it.

What we didn't anticipated was the huge crowd that turned up as well. The main car park was full so Darren dropped us off before making his way to the Meadow carpark which I discovered was really a distance away.

So with the helper in tow, we walked up to the ticketing booth for the conservatories. From a preggie lady's POV, the 3 minutes walk as told by the information kiosk were still quite a long way for me. And there behold, another surprise for me. The snake queue that formed at the ticketing booth. Wasting no time, I joined in the queue while asking the helper to push Jonathan to a shady cooling area and wait there. I was probably in the queue for at least 20 minutes or so before I got to purchase another adult ticket for the helper.

So while I was still queuing, Darren joined us. Gave Jonathan his milk and then we had some light snacks before venturing in. 1st stop - Flower Dome.

The different types of Catcus and its Flowers

Olive tree and African Daises

Splendid Flowers

And because Halloween just passed, there was still a beautiful set up of Halloween theme.

Scarecrow and its friends

Family Shot #1

Family Shot #2

Next Stop - Cloud Forest

The only enjoyable part was the entrance big waterfall which Jonathan totally loved it.

Totally thrilled by the gushing water

Spent about 2 hours in all for both conservatories. Definitely tiring but enjoyable.
