August Happenings

1. By God's grace and thanks to my mum, I survived 2 weeks without Darren as he went for his reservist. 

2. Jonathan's 1st Birthday Party is happening this Sat, 18 August! I'm so excited =D

3. Detailed scan done this morning. Is going to be a little brother for Jonathan. No chance to buy girly stuff but good for pocket. Jon's clothes can be recycled.

4. Really thank God for His miracle hands. My placenta has moved away from the cervix opening, reducing one less complication. Although 1.3cm away from the internal onus, my heart shouts "Praise the Lord!"

5. However, cervix length is still shortening. Dr Ho is going to admit me when I hit less than 2cm (I'm at 2.5cm now). Going to plan for my home bed rest to avoid the hospital stay.

6. XP2 is really God's little warrior. What a mighty little boy he is, 388g at 20 weeks while mummy is now at pre-preggie weight. 

7. We're going to bring Jon to the Garden by the Bay on his actual birthday and to the Flyer. 

8. Then there's the staycation in Sept to look forward to.

Will post in more details with photos later on... stay tuned!
