7 months and all the "Wows"

7 month old Jonathan has a new bag of tricks. 

Look at this little acrobatic and his stunt. He managed to grab his foot and stuck into his foot which immediately brought a horde of "Nnnooooo!"

Jonathan has finally crawled forward, though along the way he left a trail of saliva on my bed sheet and with quite a bit of sound effect from the little baby. He is also starting to want to pull himself to a stand position. 

And just this afternoon, I spotted his lower jaw with 2 little pearlies inching their way out of the gum.

My on my! My little boy is really growing up fast!

We have also been practicing the flash cards we got from Glenn Doman. Although we got it only end March and we didn't really do it daily, I was so amazed at the result.

Just into 2nd week of flash cards, Jonathan could differentiate the words "toothbrush" and "bathtub", recognize the shape of "Star" and "Triangle", know what is banana and apple and even do simple maths of "1+2 =3"

This really motivate me a lot and the potential of a baby's brain is so much more than we could ever imagine.

Things are getting more interesting in the food department. By now, Jonathan has tasted apple, pear, sweet potatoes, potatoes, papaya, banana, avocado, pumpkin and carrot.

Butternut squash was his latest favorite. I must say this pumpkin family member is really sweet and fragrant (yes, I tried it myself).

Ever since without breast milk, Jonathan's bowel movement is irregular. In a bid to make prune puree, I only had to settle for this. I couldn't find any prune or organic prune baby jar.

I gave it to Jonathan this afternoon and it really worked wonders. But I'm not too keen on this as (1) it is not organic (2) there's sugar in it.

 Finally, my little Jonathan has got a personalized birthday Tee-shirt. Thanks to Elisa :)

The material is really good and there are many designs, font and colors to choose from. Check out the detail at

