I'm so looking forward!

There is no better time to travel than now! Yes, that's it! The 2nd trimester as many would described as a honeymood period during the whole 40 week pregnancy.

Initially wanted to go Hokkaido for the summer experience, watch the flowers bloom but the unexpected Japan crisis pull us back plus, what's the fun of going to Japan if I can't take sashimi.

Then we thought of going to Taiwan/ Taipei.... but hang on, I can't eat freely all the snacks at the Shilin night market... then.. what's there for me?

What about Hong Kong? Sounds good and fun! Yup, until I remember I can't take caffeine now... so there goes my milk tea. I can't go Hong Kong and not drink their milk tea. Might as well I don't go.

So in the end, we decided to go for a cruise trip. Slow and easy. Relax and rest.

We booked ourselves a 4D3N cruise to Malaysia, stopping by Penang and Malacca. Just collected our cruise documents yesterday. Changed our SGD to USD and RM. Got all our new passports in place. Now, left the packing and we are all set to go.

I'm so looking forward!
