Cafe Swiss

Every year for the Er Mei gang, we would have a celebratory dinner during Xmas period. However this year, the gang dwindled in numbers. Partly because Yagazi left us for her greener pasture, Mr How Loo? just got back from his trip (need to accompany his gal) and also my cubicle neighbour was away for her honeymoon.

Nonetheless we, the fabulous 4, decided we would still carry on the tradition.

The date was picked and we set off.... to Cafe Swiss.

A group photo before we dived into the glory of Swiss food.

Ever since I tried cheese and cracker at Fullerton, I was hooked. So when I saw Cafe Swiss offered cheese platter, I went for it first.

Though the cheese was not as good as the one in Fullerton, I was satisfied. I wasted no time in sampling other food.

What about carrot soup that looked like pumpkin soup and tasted like one too? But it was still good in taste. Who cared about the identify crisis!

Crayfish Salad... very generous with their crayfish.

No one was sure what this was. I thought it tasted like peanut butter.

I also like to have some salad before my mains. A mix of greenies on my own.

The Swiss also love this sausages. Try this... Sausage Pasta Salad.

The mains..... the varieties were not a lot but it was sufficient for lunch.

This beef steak won hands up for the best dish! Very tender and flavoursome.

But the honey braised chicken was just so-so.

The broccoli was fresh and green but the creamy sauce made it hard to stomach more than 3 pieces.

I was surprised that Cafe Swiss served butter rice and bee hoon. Here I tried their butter rice which I liked, with mushrooms and prawns.

With only half an hour more to go, I immersed myself thoroughly with their dessert selection.

First up, this dessert looked innocently delightful but turned up to be a bluff. We couldn't quite make up what's in the pastry. Was it just soaked bread? We wondered.

One thing not to be missed was the chocolate fondue. As I was twirling my marshmallow around the fondue, I remember the chocolate buffet I had in Fullerton. That was a good one, totally OD (over dosed) in chocolate.

I was quite happy to know they served sourish dessert as well.

Raspberry with yoghurt and a jelly gelato at the bottom. It was refreshing from the sweet treats.

Nobody could resist the chocolate mousse.

And this Berries Rhapsody....

And finally, one last photo with the Fairmont Xmas tree.

Next year, may we have a reunion with all Er Mei members.


yagizaneo said…
your food pics have made me hungry..

and i haven left for greener pasture;)

Have a merry xmas and happy new year.
cya all next year!
