A Long Note

It has been really a long time since I logged in. So what's going on?

Many things have happened... but I would really like to jot this down. To remind myself that even in the chaos and crisis, I can even see God's hands at work.

I would like to start with my Pastor.

One particular Sunday, my Pastor suddenly asked about my Quiet Time. This question jolted me straight up. Because I hadn't been faithful with my walk with God. During that period, I struggled alot, mainly because of work. At the end, I changed my lifestyle. Instead of always putting my Quiet time as the last thing before I sleep, I wake up earlier to do my Quiet time in the morning. It's my way of putting God first in my life.

That's was not all. Then at one Sunday service, the preacher was telling the congregation about living God's character in the marketplace. One example, in Ephesians 6 : 5 - 8, Paul was telling the slaves to serve their masters wholeheartedly, as if in serving God. If that was for the slaves, what's more for working people like me?

I was motivated then, not to work for my own credit, but so that God can be glorified.

Yes, it all sounded very ideal... maybe even far-fetched. Yup... just based on my own effort, it is impossible. But with God, everything is possible.

Indeed with God, everything is possible. My home church - Agape Methodist Church recently held a Thanksgiving dinner, it was more for fund raising for our church building fund. My home church is really small but very homely like a kampong. With a small strength but mighty ambition, we were successful in raising $350K. Yes, it was a very small case compared to the $22 million New Creation church raised in one Sunday. But I strongly it was a mighty feat that couldn't be accomplished without God's intervention.

Talking about money, the recent move made by the Government put us in the category that we cannot sell our place until 5 years later. When we purchased this place, we were only obliged to stay for a year. 6 months later, it became 3 years. Then now, it's 5 years.

We are still unclear how this would impact us. But since this house was purchased under such special circumstance, we believe we are well covered by God's insurance. Haha....

God's insurance... I like that!


Angeline said…
yoz...long time nv update your blog huh.... your avid reader is always waiting for your update... heehee....Glad that the choatic life of urs is still under God's insurance no matter wat =)