Just Follow Law

Working in Mt Er Mei is the strictest place I ever know. When I first joined, they have already in place a series of Do Not... and now as the company evolves, more rules and regulations are being set. I'm beginning to feel the heat and start to feel that I can't keep up with the Law.

Surrounded by numerous red tapes and clumsy me walking unsteadily, balancing myself like walking on a tight rope. Definitely looks like I'm in big trouble.

I always feel that rules are made to follow but rules are man made, hence there is room for exceptions. I don't know if it is me, the company or the people, this delicate equation is really hard to maintain. It has already being 4.5 years yet my every step is still being watched by eagles' eyes. Waiting for a moment I slip and biting on my mistake. Vigorously shredding me and tormenting my soul. At certain points, I do feel that the whole environment is detrimental to my sanity and there's a strong urge to just walk away and leave the mountain.
