After I posted my last entry, I had this nagging thought I should clarified some part. Indeed I should, because I told Darren on my experience about not able to sleep well and not reading the bible before I sleep, he straight jumped into a conclusion that I had a misconception in reading bible. Okay, let's get this straight. First, I must say that I may have mislead some of you into the idea that reading the bible before you sleep will prevent nightmare. In the bible, God has never written or said anything about this. However, Jesus encourages us to dwell in God's words. In another word, I simply takes the opportunity of doing Quiet Time (QT) before bedtime for these reasons. Firstly, it gives me the space to slow down my pace. Secondly, it is a good time to reflect on my action in the day. Thirdly, whatever unhappiness that occured during the day or whatever blessings I get, I can say a prayer of Thanksgiving. Fourth, I can pray for the next day's challenges. Fifth, it mak...