Maidless June Part 2
It is almost coming to the end of a month and can't believe that we could actually survive without a maid to help us. With a maid, it is certainly very convenient. Without one, everything is on our own and it does build up tension sometimes especially when I get hot and sweaty, my mood turns fiery. But this month without the maid and an overseas vacation highlighted a few points. 1. It is hard for me to teach the boys because I am so consumed by the number of housework chores I need to complete. Hence, if I'm going to be a SAHM, a part time cleaner is required so I don't get myself stuck with the endless houseworks and in the end, don't spend enough time with the boys. 2. I need to build a strong mummy support network. Yesterday I brought Matthew to Polliwog @ Vivocity. It was Matt's 3rd time to an indoor playground. I realised that he didn't know what to do, unlike my friend's son (same age as Matt). He was much mo...