What a Cow!
Cow... the female partner of a bull. While a bull is associated with high driven motives, strength and soaring market. The cow is often associated as a farming tool. I had a very busy day at work today! It didn't help that I suddenly had this cough that made my voice so scratchy and my throat so sore. Worse, I left my house so much earlier to catch the 1st company's bus to work. Ended up, I had to rush through everything. Because the feeder bus came so late. I had to gobble down my breakfast. One thing I absolutely dislike is to rush through my meal. Once I reached my workplace, my hands and legs didn't stop working and walking. It was exhausting. While I was going through the motion, I just felt that I'm just another technical person. Can do lab work and work fast but not a research person who can think and analyze and put pieces of information together. Seriously, I don't think I'm doing myself a favor in this way. I don't see any value in myself that the ...